
Friday, January 28, 2022

How can we get our urban forest more contributing to carbon sequestration?

(the original article was written for Friend of the Earth (Hong Kong)

The COP26 (the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference) just finished in November has eye-caught us again on the urgency in trying to reverse the global warming situation that you and I are all feeling worse in recent years.  Other than the several major deals made according to the agenda of the conference, there was a separate critical pledge agreed amongst 110 countries (with about 85% of the world forests) that deforestation is to be stopped or even reversed by 2030.


This agreement was seen as a vital action to limit temperature raise because trees absorb enormous amounts of CO2.  Without trees, it appears that other efforts trying to achieve the goal of limiting temperature rise within 1.5oC without avail.  It is trees that can be utilized by human being to effectively fix carbon in a relatively easy manner as an offset of our emission, as long as we start this earlier.


The terms deforestation and reforestation are not far away from city dwellers.  While that COP26 agreement focused on rainforest, yet its spirit is inspirative to our attitude towards the trees nearby – our urban forest.  Urban forest refers to the trees within built-up areas and those that are closely related to city life.  These trees contribute to the process of carbon sequestration – like the trees in rainforest do.  We all acknowledge this process to be our fate’s salvation, but some may question: how far our urban trees can contribute?


Like many green plants, tree capture CO2 from the air almost continuously in their whole life. The carbon so captured is used or converted via many routes, such as a fuel for energy (carbon will then return back to the air), for building blocks (stored and fixed), or lost finally in litterfall/death (returned to the land – then decay will release the carbon back to CO2).  The most efficient C-fixers should be those that are comparatively fast growing, allocating more carbon in proportion for building blocks (in tissues such as wood) and long-life (so that the fixed-C won’t get back to the land very soon).  The above in fact differentiates trees from many other plants (that are annual or shorter-life) in term of their capacity in carbon fixing.


With this understanding, trees in our urban forest can undoubtedly contribute to the global carbon sequestration campaign, if we can provide the environment optimal for their services.  Various factors affect urban trees’ ability in fixing atmospheric carbon.  These include:

1.      The quantity of trees that we have – suggesting the potential scale of their services;

2.      The size of trees and wood quality that can be achieved – reflecting the actual amount of wood (C-sink) that can be produced;

3.      Health and longevity of trees – determining the rate of returning wood onto the land and then its carbon back to the atmosphere;

4.      How we deal with the dead wood – also determining the rate of returning wood back to carbon in the atmosphere.


Tree quantity

For sure more trees will uptake more carbon from the air in principle.  However, quantity itself is not always equivalent to efficiency, especially in the built-up area with various site constraints to tree growth.  In the past people had focused too much on the number of trees that we planted (or replanted), transplanted or even retained during our urban development.  This sometimes ended up with trees congested in very small planting areas, having their roots severed as they are too close to structures/facilities, resulting poor health and even risk to the public.  Ultimately these trees were considered problematic instead of beneficial and could not escape the fate of removal prematurely.


Obviously, if the trees so established do not have sufficient space for development, they cannot produce sufficient building blocks (C-sink) within shorter time.  Under this scenario, strategic management such as pruning and thinning of trees can help making room for the remaining to continue the C-fixing services.  A single tree provided with larger planting space will likely produce more C-sink (e.g. wood) than several poorly-grown trees will do.


Having said that, it is always recommended to explore space at the beginning to increase the number of trees in a reasonable manner.  This will fundamentally increase the carbon-fixing capacity of the city.


Size and wood quality

Comparatively trees take up less ground surface area - when compared with other plants (i.e. high plots ratios in building term) - upon which they build up carbon storage above.  To further maximize the aboveground C-sink (i.e. wood volume), the way of city planning needs to be refined to allow space for tree root development underground.  This should be done holistically with the planning and design of other grey infrastructures such as cables, pipes and drainages.  All utilities should be tactfully aligned so that the space usage efficiency underground can be maximized in order to make room for root development.  When there is space for roots, the ultimate wood volume can be increased.


With proper space demarcation, damage to utilities due to tree roots could be minimized.  This does require a change in the conventional way of utilities alignment, which has been weak in coordination.  Such old practice not only results high maintenance cost, but tree roots are also prone to damage during repair and replacement.  When we expect larger trees for bigger C-sink, potential damage on trees that may jeopardize safety must also be minimized.


Different tree species vary in growth rate and wood density, and these factors amongst others affect the amount of carbon that can be sequestered in woody stems.  Our arborists, city planners and landscape architects should also take this kind of scientific data into consideration when species are selected for “installation”.  As planting space in congested urban environment is valuable, we cannot just do the species selection by only their amenity value.  Planting pits will be wasted if only a single attribute of tree is considered during the design process, when there is other option(s) that can provide better, multiple services (e.g. stronger C-fixer).  This brand new perspective on trees – trees as a “green infrastructure” (FAO, UN) - should be widely shared in the society.


Health and Longevity

Trees as a C-sink will hold carbon longer when their health is well maintained and their life-span is extended.  However, growing condition in urban area usually impacts negatively to tree health and limits their life-expectancy.  Improving site condition as aforementioned will prolong the “shelf-life” of the C-sink.  Maintenance quality does also place a critical role in keeping our trees (and their parts) healthier and longer.  Excessive pruning (or damage) of trees without justified reason would shorten the shelf-life of the tree parts, not to say impacting the longevity of the whole tree.  The HKSAR government has improved on the requirements of qualified tree professionals in the recent years.  This approach in requiring trained personnel to deliver tree care should also be extended to the private sector because all trees – no matter public or private – serve us similarly in term of carbon sequestration and many other functions.  All tree owners have the responsibility to take care of this infrastructure component.


Handling dead wood

No matter how the trees and their parts end their life (damage/pruning/felling/natural death), the dead wood remains are still holding carbon.  The approach that we treat this C-sink (so termed “yard-waste”) have direct impact on the fate of carbon so locked in it.  In the past the felled trees (parts) were used to be dumped in landfill.  This is a practice that actually speeds up the process of releasing the fixed carbon back to the atmosphere as decaying organism breakdown wood, releasing CO2.  In fact, there are ways of preserving wood in good condition for a prolonged period of time so that the carbon can be remaining locked.  An example is many historical buildings or structures that were built from trees felled several hundred years ago.  Wise use of such yard-waste would extend the life of wood and contribute to the environment.  Strategically, wood can also be turned into other forms such as biochar, which can lock carbon for even over thousands of year.


In fact, how our urban forest can contribute the process of offsetting carbon is a function of planning, design and management.  Just like what we do for other components of grey infrastructure, when the services of green infrastructure are well defined and realistically quantified there is a way to achieve it.  City trees come from the nature originally and have the same capacity in carbon sequestration in principle.  Although in the urban environment they are not likely to achieve the size as if they were growing in a rainforest, how far city trees could perform in carbon sequestration actually depends on how we value them and care of them.




剛剛於11月結束的第26屆聯合國氣候變化大會(COP26)再次讓我們關注嘗試扭轉全球暖化的迫切性,因為我們都一定感到暖化的情況近年已變得非常嚴重。 除了根據會議議程達成的幾項重大協定外,110個國家(擁有世界森林的85%)還達成了一項獨立的重要承諾,即在2030年前停止甚至逆轉森林砍伐。


樹木能夠吸收大量的二氧化碳,因此該協議被視為限制溫度進一步提升的重要行動。如果沒有樹木,其他試圖將升溫限制在1.5°C以內的努力似乎都會無補於事。 事實上只要我們盡早利用樹木,人類便能夠以相對容易的方式有效地將碳固定,以抵消我們的排放。


森林砍伐或重新造林這兩個詞彙離城市人其實並不遙遠。雖然這COP26協議的重點是熱帶雨林,但其精神為我們建立對身旁樹木——都市林(Urban Forest)——的態度上非常具啟發性 都市林包括已發展區內及與城市生活有著密切關係的樹木。 這些樹木就和熱帶雨林中的樹木一樣都有助於碳封存(Carbon sequestration)的過程。 雖然我們都知道碳封存將是人類命運的一線希望,但有人可能還會問:我們的城市樹木能在這過程中貢獻多大?





1.     我們擁有樹木的數量——反映它們所提供服務的潛在能力。

2.     樹木的大小和它們可達的木材質量——反映了可以產生的實際木材(即碳庫/C-sink)量。

3.     樹木的健康和壽命——決定了木材返回土地及其碳返回大氣的速度。

4.     我們如何處理死後的木材——也是決定木材中的碳回歸大氣的速度。














不同的樹種有不同的生長速度和木材密度,這些加上其他種種因素都會影響到木質枝幹內可以封存的碳量。樹藝師、城市規劃師和園景師在選擇樹種「安裝」於城市之中時也應考慮這些科學數據。在擠迫的都市環境,種植空間是很寶貴的,因此我們不能只根據樹木的觀賞價值來選擇物種。在有其他可以提供更好、更多益處(服務)之物種選擇時(如更強的固碳能力),如果設計過程中只考慮樹木的單一屬性,那就是浪費了一個又一個的種植空間。而社會各界應該對於這一嶄新觀點─—樹木作為一項 "綠色基建Green Infrastructure"(根據聯合國糧農組織)——有廣泛的共識。



當樹木的健康得到良好障,其壽命得以延長時,樹木作為碳庫的保存時間(或「保質期」/Shelf life)便可以更長。然而,城市地區的生長條件通常都會對樹木的健康產生負面影響,並限制其壽命。如上所述,改善場地條件的確有助延長碳庫的保質期;然而樹木保養的質素在保持樹木(和它的部分)健康和壽命方面也起著關鍵的作用。不合理的過度修剪(或損壞)會縮短樹上木材的保質期,更可能影響整棵樹木的壽命。近年來,香港特區政府已經提高了認可樹木專業人員的要求,這項要求護樹人員通過培訓的做法也應該推展至私營層面。因為所有樹木,不管是公共還是私人的,在碳封存和許多其他功能方面都為我們提供相近的服務。因此所有樹木擁有人都有責任照顧好這部份的基建。



不管樹木或其部分的生命是怎樣結束(受傷/修剪/斬下/自然死亡),遺下的枯木仍然封存著碳。我們如何處理這碳庫(所謂的「園林廢物yard waste」)也直接影響了當中碳的命運。過去,被斬下的樹木(或部份)都送往堆填區,分解型生物便降解木材並釋放二氧化碳。因此這種做法實際上是加速了讓原本被鎖定的碳回歸大氣這過程。事實上,有很多方法可以將木材保存在良好的狀態,並維持一段很長的時間,這樣就可以繼續將碳鎖定。其中一例,就是由在幾百年前被砍下的樹木所建成的眾多歷史建築或結構。用這些園林廢物就是延長了木材的壽命,並為環境作出貢獻。我們也可以策略性地將木材變成其他形態(比如生物炭),這樣甚至可以將碳鎖定超過數千年。

